Women's A Cappella Chorus
Ordinary women ... coming together to make extraordinary music
Barbershopper Know How
AC&C – Area Convention and Contests
Afterglow – A party after a barbershop show
Bell Chord – Notes sung by different singers in successive time
Chest Voice – A term related to imagery, since it is established that all vocal vibration originates in the larynx. The feeling of vibrations in the chest with low resonance.
“Chinese” Seventh – A dominant seventh chord, voiced with the fifth in the bass and the root and seventh in the top two voices
Centered – Your weight is balanced evenly on both feet
Choreography – The planned moves that accompany a song
Crescendo – A gradual increase in volume
Decrescendo – A gradual decrease in volume
Diaphragm – Large, dome–shaped muscle separating the chest and stomach cavities. It is the principal muscle involved in the inhalation process of breathing.
Diphthong – A sound composed of two consecutive vowels in a single syllable
Expanded Sound – The effect resulting from voices singing with accurate intonation, uniform word sounds in good quality, proper volume relationships, all producing an effect greater than the sum of the individual voice parts.
Forward Focus – A sensation of producing sound in the facial area, utilizing the throat and mouth for optimal resonance
Forward Press – Shift your weight forward
Good Intonation – Singing in tune
Hang Ten – To position the tips of your toes at the front of the risers
IC&C – International Convention and Contests
Inside Foot – The foot closest to the center of the chorus while on the risers
Inside Smile – A mental imagery concept that aids in lifting the upper lip away from the front teeth. It assists in extending the vocal tract, raising the soft palate and adds animation to the face
Interval – The difference in pitch between two notes
Legato – The flow of tone in a smooth vocal line, with no apparent interruption from articulation
Mask – Mental imagery term to indicate the forward area (bone) of the face
Outside Foot – The foot farthest away from the center of the chorus while on the risers
Overtones – Harmonics that are produced by proper intonation, tuning and vowel formation
Pedal Tone – A tone that is sustained while other voices move freely over, under or around it. Pedal tones are most often found in the lowest voice.
Pick-up Quartet – Any four singers, not in an established quartet, singing a song or tag.
Reset – To re-position the body, typically at the beginning of a new phase.
Resonance – A body of air that vibrates. The singer attempts to control the “container” which holds the air, thus affecting quality
Resonators – Any of the parts and cavities of the vocal instrument that reinforce sound coming from the vocal folds (cords). Principal resonators are the throat and mouth, with the supporting vibrations in the upper chest and nasal area.
Scooping – Starting a tone off pitch (usually below pitch) and adjusting to the correct pitch after initiating the sound.
Soft Palate – A muscular extension of the hard palate, made of soft, fleshy muscle.
Tag – The coda or special ending added to an arrangement of a song.
Tempo –The rate of speed of a musical composition.
Tiddly – A musical embellishment sung by one of the singers.
Tonal Center – The tonic triad is the center to which all other tones are related. The tonal center establishes a feeling of key. The key feeling or tonal center should remain constant, barring a key change, until the song’s conclusion.
Triphthong – A single syllable, consisting of three consecutive vowel sounds.
Unison – The combined sound of all voice parts at the same pitch.
Vibrato – Pitch oscillation above and below a note.
Wall of Sound – Seamless, continuous vocalization.
Warm Sound – A pleasant, quality vocal sound. A tone produced with relaxed, open throat with warm air flowing up and out.
Woodshedding – A singer improvising all or part of a song.